Recognising the deterioration of your hearing can be frightening. At Clayton Hearing, we are here to help you fully understand your condition, before trying to improve the situation through a range of treatment options.
To discuss your hearing with a friendly audiometrist, call us now.
Is the television turned up really loud?
Do you often need to ask people to repeat what they have said?
Do you often feel that people are mumbling?
Do you struggle to understand conversations in large groups?
Do you avoid social events because you find it hard to understand what people are saying?
Difficulty understanding/hearing when using the telephone?
Does background noise make it hard to hear?
Answering "yes" to any of these questions strongly suggests that you should contact us for a hearing assessment.
If you have a hearing problem, you should consider getting a hearing test. The longer you delay, the more you could be putting your hearing at risk. Getting the expert opinion of a hearing specialist can establish whether your hearing loss is related to accidental damage caused to the ear drum, an inner ear infection, temporary changes caused as a side effect to any medication you are currently taking or a build-up of ear wax.
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Sensorineural hearing loss is by far the most common hearing loss. The condition refers to problems in the cochlea or auditory nerve. Most are due to deterioration of the tiny hair cells that line the cochlea and transmit sound to the auditory nerve and then the brain. This accounts for 90% of permanent hearing loss. Often it is a natural part of ageing but other causes could be traumatic exposure to noise, extended exposure to loud sound genetics, viral infection of the inner ear, certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and head injury.
Conductive Hearing Loss
This condition is caused by any obstruction that prevents sound waves from reaching the inner ear. Some of the causes of conductive hearing loss can include earwax, a collection of fluid in the middle ear, Otitis media, otosclerosis and perforation of the eardrum.
Mixed Hearing Loss
It is possible for a conductive hearing loss to occur together with sensorineural hearing loss. The condition is referred to as mixed hearing loss.
There are ways of preventing hearing loss. People concerned about risks can consider various methods of hearing protection. We provide a full range of custom moulds for different occupations.
Your hearing aids are valuable and need to be looked after with great care. This includes cleaning them on a daily basis. It is highly recommended that you insure them for accidental loss and damage, in the home and also away from the home.
Clayton Hearing in Pialba provides a wide range of services to clients throughout the Hervey Bay and Maryborough regions. Our local hearing clinic has a special interest in hearing loss, prevention and solutions. We specialise in Veteran hearing health with access to approved equipment. Call us today to discuss your condition with a friendly audiometrist.
ABN 72 161 256 935
Office of Hearing Services Accredited
Hearing Aid Audiometrist Society of Australia Member
Department of Veteran Affairs Accredited
Cochlea Implant Advisor